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domingo, 27 de diciembre de 2020

It stopped raining


It stopped raining, my darling.

It stopped raining Ay! My love


In a clear blue sky

Cynical gleaming

A warm tepid sun

 Naughty, mischievous

 How ironic  smiled.


-It's not going to last long

This sunny weather

Enjoy it mys friends

He seems to be saying us.


The cold is tangled

 On the naked boughs

From the aged old oaks.


January wait

Hidden in the bend

 of the path that leads

Where the winter dies.


When, my darling,

 Alas! When my love

can we trim the roses?


 Already the first mimosas

 begin to bloom

Dyeing yellow

 The path that leads

To our home my darling, my love.


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